by Self-Care for Teachers Team | Mar 12, 2017 | Teacher Wellbeing Podcast
In this episode, Ellen speaks to Daniel, an Aussie teaching in an International School. We hear his experiences and insights about teaching in a variety of contexts, maintaining health while balancing not only the pressures of the classroom but also language barriers...
by Self-Care for Teachers Team | Mar 8, 2017 | Teacher Wellbeing Podcast
What is Self-Care? What are the barriers to self-care and why do they hold us back? What does teaching and self-care have to do with International Women’s Day? In this episode, Ellen discusses the five facets of self-care, why guilt is the number one self-care...
by Self-Care for Teachers Team | Mar 5, 2017 | Teacher Wellbeing Podcast
In this episode, Ellen interviews Shailee, a high school teacher who took some time away from teaching in order to figure out how to balance her passion for making an impact with having a life of her own. “It’s realising I can be very good at what I do, I can enjoy...
by Self-Care for Teachers Team | Mar 1, 2017 | Teacher Wellbeing Podcast
In this Episode, Ellen shares a children’s story that serves as a helpful reminder when preventing burnout. She also shares a number of useful metaphors to illustrate the point — after all, she never metaphor she didn’t like! Listen on iTunes here. Don’t forget to...
by Self-Care for Teachers Team | Feb 22, 2017 | Teacher Wellbeing Podcast
Oh my goodness, it’s finally here! The Teacher Wellbeing Podcast is LIVE! At this stage there are only 2 ways to listen: via the Whooshkaa player embedded below, or if you’re an Apple user, on iTunes. Hopefully soon I’ll have figured out how to get it into the various...
by admin | Feb 22, 2017 | Teacher Wellbeing Podcast
Oh my goodness, it’s finally here! The Teacher Wellbeing Podcast is LIVE! At this stage there are only 2 ways to listen: via the Whooshkaa player embedded below, or if you’re an Apple user, on iTunes. Hopefully soon I’ll have figured out how to get it into the various...