by Self-Care for Teachers Team | Apr 12, 2017 | Teacher Wellbeing Podcast
In this episode, Ellen interviews Broden. Broden is an Aussie high school English teacher living and working in London. He shares his experiences of the differences between the education systems in Australia and the U.K. as well as a bit about how he tries to work...
by Self-Care for Teachers Team | Apr 5, 2017 | Teacher Wellbeing Podcast
In this episode, Ellen interviews LeeAnne Cordell from The Holistically Healthy Teacher. LeeAnne was a teacher for 19 years and spent most of that time in early childhood and special education in rural public schools in the U.S. Now she’s an Integrative Nutritionist...
by Self-Care for Teachers Team | Mar 29, 2017 | Teacher Wellbeing Podcast
In this episode, Ellen interviews a 2nd year teacher. Having started her career as a social worker (another career with high burnout rates) and growing up with a family of teachers, Jane entered the teaching profession with a better understanding than most of the work...
by Self-Care for Teachers Team | Mar 22, 2017 | Teacher Wellbeing Podcast
Do you ever think about your thinking? The language that we use, whether thinking or speaking, has a powerful impact on the way we experience the world. One example of this is the word tolerance, which has a lot of positive connotations. People associate it with noble...
by Self-Care for Teachers Team | Mar 19, 2017 | Teacher Wellbeing Podcast
This episode is a must for anyone who has struggled with depression or feels like something is missing in their life. Carolyn shares her journey, and it’s a deep and very meaningful conversation. I resonated with this story so much, and I feel that my life is better...
by Self-Care for Teachers Team | Mar 15, 2017 | Teacher Wellbeing Podcast
This question comes up a lot, and it is important to address. Yet asking ‘Is self-care selfish?’ also kind of misses the point. It hints at but doesn’t properly acknowledge some of our deepest fears. In this episode, Ellen explores some alternative questions to ask...